Since the start of May, 179 cards have been sent to our homebound family. THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS!!! We are expanding this ministry, so please contact if you’d like to join.
55 meals have been provided to families in need. THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS!!! Please contact Elaine Coleman at if you know of someone who many need help with meals or are in need of help with meals yourself.
The Knights of Columbus are proud to award education scholarships to four of our parish’s graduating seniors: Emma Creason, Taylor Krebs, Dylan Lenhart and Zachary Willison.
The May Crowning was held on May 7th at MMOC. Students from the FIRE program honored Mary by placing a crown of flowers on her statue. Catholics have done this through the years to symbolize her significance to the Church and our lives.
The last Young Parishioner Dinner was held at MMOC until September. Everyone had a great time sharing a meal and time together. Father had a special blessing for the families. Stay tuned this fall for the new schedule of events to be published.
Bishop Gainer has granted a dispensation from the obligation to abstain from meat on Friday, March 17, 2023. Saint Patrick is the principal patron of the Diocese of Harrisburg and the patron of the Diocesan Cathedral which places this feast day in a unique and important relationship to the Church of Harrisburg. This is a day of rejoicing within our Diocesan Church and a fitting occasion to break from the penitential nature of the Lenten seaon.