MMOC's Knights of Columbus Council #14786 celebrated it's 15 year anniversary last night. Certificates of Appreciation were given to the Council's former Grand Knights that could attend in person. Thank you to Dan Calnan, Jim Seibert, Greg Snack, George Ross and the current Grand Knight John Coleman for exemplifying the Knights' principles of charity, unity and fraternity. Thank you to the charter, past, and current members for your service to MMOC and the Mount Joy community.
It was a busy Pentecost Sunday at MMOC. Deacon Andrew came and did his first Homily as a Deacon and we got to celebrate Father Ted and his 30 year anniversary as a Priest. Thank you Father Ted for answering the call to the Priesthood. We are so blessed having you here at MMOC. It has been a joy having you here for the last 3 years. Thank you Deacon Joe for organizing the card shower and the reception following the 11:00 Mass.
Fresh from his ordination at St. Patrick's on Saturday, Deacon Andrew came to MMOC to do his first Homily as a Deacon. Andrew's Homily on this Pentecost Sunday talked about joy which is what many in the congregation were feeling. It has been great to watch Andrew grow up at MMOC and see him make this huge step in his calling. God Bless you Andrew!
On May 18th, MMOC's own Andrew St. Denis became one of three new Deacons in the Harrisburg Diocese. After the Mass, it was announced that Andrew will be heading to Seven Sorrows in Middletown. Please keep Deacons Andrew, Cole and Clark in your prayers!