To support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service; to inspire and promote gospel values in a constantly changing world.
All women parishioners 18 and older are automatically members of CCW and are welcome to attend meetings which are held the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM, September through June.
Our fundraisers enable us to help with local to international needs; from donating grocery gift cards etc. on the community level, to purchasing a water tank for a third world country.
For more information, contact:
Mary Sue Plague call (717)-823-3062 or email [email protected]
Marnie Bowers call (717)468-6011 or email [email protected]
Jean Vuono call (717)426-3241 or email [email protected]
This is a group of people who visit the shut ins of our parish and bring Christ to them both through their personality and by bringing them the Eucharist.
Contact: Elaine Wentling 717-367-4282
"Prayer is the best weapon we possess. It is the key that opens the heart of God"
---St. Padre Pio
Are you interested in praying for the needs of the MMOC Parish and the intentions of our parishoners? The MMOC Prayer Chain group is an email based group of prayer warriors. MMOC has their own Google Group prayer chain address where prayer requests are forwarded as they are received. It only takes a few moments to lift someone in prayer.
If you wish to be a part of this ministry, please send your email address to Elaine Coleman at [email protected] or call her at 717-653-5542 and you will be added to the Google Group.
The Respect Life committee of Mary Mother of the Church works to make the Catholic Church's agenda of promoting and embracing the culture of life a reality in our parish community.
We are a small and informal group of parishioners who have felt called to this ministry. We believe abortion is an insidious evil in our society, and the cause of many other societal problems. We believe the Lord does not necessarily expect us to succeed in eliminating abortion, but He expects us to try. We try to do this by changing hearts and minds. We are just ordinary people trying to do what we can.
LOOKING FOR ALTERNATIVES TO ABORTION? CALL 1-800-712-HELP or go to www.optionline.org
LOOKING FOR HEALING AFTER ABORTION? CALL 1-800-712-HELP or go to www.optionline.org
If you feel called to join us Contact: Tom Brown at 717-201-6200 or [email protected]
Our Lady of Schoenstatt (German for beautiful place) is the parish Marian devotion here at MMOC and one that goes on pilgrimage between parish households during the course of every month. The devotion is represented by a blessed image of the Blessed Mother and Baby Jesus. The program works like this:
**Eight-ten households agree to participate for at least one year.
**Participating households are organized, scheduled in sequence and grouped together geographically as much as possible.
** You invite the pilgrim image into your home every month for approximately three days where you pray the Rosary with and before the Blessed Mother. At the end of your time, you deliver her to the next household that also keeps the image for the same number of days and then they take it to the next household in the sequence and so on. The image travels perpetually between the participating households. Families receive the image on approximately the same dates every month.
Prerequisites for joining the program are that participants have the ability to deliver the image to the next family on the schedule and try to stay in the program for at least a year.
Each group of households has its own image and every group has one person who acts as the Group Coordinator. The Coordinator establishes a sequence schedule and ensures the image continues on pilgrimage.
If you would like to join in this beautiful devotion, experience the abundant blessings and joy of Our Lady or want more information, contact Dennis Emmons at [email protected], 717-492-4377.